Fave Disneyland Food

In 2015 I went on my first trip to Disneyland in Anaheim with my family. When we went, our goal was to try as many different Disneyland snacks and meals. Here is a list of my favourite Disneyland foods from that trip.

Our first stop was at Downtown Disney, where we tried the Mickey Mouse chocolate cake pop from Marceline’s Confectionery. It was so good that on our last day, we went back to have it again! My first one had chocolate stripes, but for my second, I wanted an extra touch of Mickey, so I got one with Mickey sprinkles.

On one of our days at Disneyland, we stopped by the Hungry Bear restaurant in Critter Country where we each grabbed a classic cheeseburger with fries. We enjoyed being able to customise our burger to our liking. A simple meal, but still very delicious!

Fave Disneyland foods

Two of the classic Disneyland foods we had to try were the classic churro and a Dole Whip float. For the churro, we bought it in Downtown Disney and tried the apple cinnamon flavour which was really nice. I also loved the Dole Whip float, the flavour was really nice and not too strong. I liked the little umbrella too!

Another lunch we had was at Redd Rockett’s Pizza Port in Tomorrowland (now known as Alien’s Pizza Planet). We each grabbed a plate of our favourite pasta, mine was the Terra Nova tomato basil pasta. It was so good and very filling to keep me going till our next meal.

Fave Disneyland foods

For one of the days, we went to Ariel’s Grotto for the Disney Princess dining experience, which is sadly no longer there (very glad to go and experience it). We had a three course meal, but the highlight for me was the dessert sampler! The platter included a creme brulee, a s’mores cake and a chocolate-dipped strawberry with sauce. Each dessert was very tasty and was a great way to end the meal!

Fave Disneyland foods

Another dessert we enjoyed was Olaf’s Perfect Sundae Day ice cream from the Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor. The dessert contained birthday cake flavoured ice cream, brownie pieces, blue marshmallows, chocolate coated pretzel arms, a chocolate Olaf face, a waffle cone and sprinkles! We loved it so much that we went back to grab a second one at the end of our trip!

Fave Disneyland foods

Mickey-shaped food was on my must-eat list! Two of my favourites were the Mickey ice cream sandwich and Mickey pretzel. The ice cream was refreshing on a hot sunny day and the pretzel was nice, but I wish we had gotten the cheese sauce to go with it (next time!).

For a mid morning snack, we went to the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe on Main street. We couldn’t decide which Mickey-shaped treat to eat, so we got two and shared. I chose the Mickey Sugar Cookie and my mum picked the Raspberry Rose Mickey Macaroon.

Fave Disneyland foods

I thought that both treats were delicious, but I have always had a soft spot for macaroons, and a Mickey-shaped one is even better!

After watching The Princess and the Frog, I had always wanted to try beignets, so when I found out that there were Mickey-shaped ones at the Mint Julep Bar, I had to get them! We each had a bag of six and I wish I could’ve gotten more because they were absolutely delicious! Definitely a must-have!

Fave Disneyland foods

Finally, last but certainly not least, the famous Mickey Waffles at the Carnation Cafe. This was a special breakfast treat for our second day at Disneyland, but I wish we could have started each day with these amazing waffles!

Of course I couldn’t try all the classic Disney treats and meals in one visit, but I will definitely want to try more when I next go there and have more of ones I love- especially churros!

Fave Disneyland foods

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Fri May 10 , 2019
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